Actual shot on location with digital imaging. *Subject to change without prior notice. T&Cs apply.
頂層豪華單位供售,面積由 1,109 至 4,424 平方呎不等。客廳具有挑高天花板,空間感十足。部份單位更坐擁壯麗海景,景觀開揚。
Altez 樓高250米配有各種豪華休閒娛樂設施,包括綠意盎然的空中花園、50 米長嘅游泳池、健身房及設於第 60 層的休閒區,住客可一面俯瞰繁華都會的萬家燈火,一面享受在空中用餐的絕妙體驗。

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(iii) I further agree and acknowledge that my Personal Data may be disclosed and/or transferred to other divisions or organizations within the FEO Group and their respective authorised service providers and authorised agents/advisers who have been contracted to provide administrative, financial, legal, accounting, information technology, research or other services; and
(iv) Subject to my rights at law, I consent to the collection, use, disclosure and processing of my Personal Data by the FEO Group for the purposes set out in this form and/or in Far East Organization’s Personal Data Protection Policy as updated from time to time on Far East Organization’s website By checking this box, I consent and agree to the following:
(i) I consent to the collection, use, disclosure and processing of my Personal Data by the FEO Group and their respective authorised service providers and authorised agents/advisers, for the purposes of processing, communicating and responding to my queries, requests, feedback, comments and/or complaints; and
(ii) I agree to be bound by the prevailing terms of Far East Organization’s Personal Data Protection Policy as updated from time to time on Far East Organization’s website
(i) I consent to the collection, use, disclosure and processing of my Personal Data by the FEO Group and their respective authorised service providers and authorised agents/advisers, for the purposes of processing, communicating and responding to my queries, requests, feedback, comments and/or complaints; and
(ii) I agree to be bound by the prevailing terms of Far East Organization’s Personal Data Protection Policy as updated from time to time on Far East Organization’s website
(ii) I agree to be bound by the prevailing terms of Far East Organization’s Personal Data Protection Policy as updated from time to time on Far East Organization’s website